Got my iriver h340 after thinking about it long and hard. wah, its very cool having every single song i own with me at my finger tips! And thats close to 9000 songs. (yes i am a music fiend). cost me a bomb too but who'd knew that you need a phd to operate the thing! aaah, must be designed by saf personnel cos its so stubborn and illogical. at least it does not spew vulgarities! first time i actually needed to read the manual for any gadget i have owned!
anyway, dan loon is in tekong as we speak, hope he learns stuff there and doesnt get affected by it. it ain't worth it.
Heard michelle and caron are sick and esmond is tussling with his cousin. sighz. must pray. well its off to Superstar Virgo and 3 days of sun (?), sea and makan! will update from on board if possible!