A good event overall. God was truly gracious and mighty and we really can do lots of things through and with Him. Really pleased with Zhong in this one and he proved his ability tonight, no doubt. All the guys and gals, do take a bow, God is marvellous and you all used your gifts really well tonight. Glory to God!
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
More tsunami thoughts. The most devastating tsunami in centuries. Wow, that is really something isn't it? I never thought I'd live to see that in my lifetime. Bigger than Krakatoa, 65000 dead and counting. Did you think most of the people who woke up that day were thinking that they were going to die that day? I think not. So we need to ask ourselves whether we are wasting our lives on trivial matters or are we living our lives chasing and obeying He who loves us so. Apathetic youth of Singapore, this is your wake-up call! Especially the Christian ones. The Lord is merciful yet this is no excuse to change the channel on emerging disasters. Who knows when the next will come?
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Hey its time for Uncensored tomorrow. Really hope everything goes smoothly and fine. Its time to do our best for God and everyone is at his or her best now. Its up to people to bring and for God to show up tomorrow. I believe He will.
Wow, so many dead already. This is big, very big. Its a sign of the end times though and well, God is still in control, isn't he? Just saw the Starbucks at Patong from which I bought a chocolate frap days ago. It is a mess with junk strewn everywhere. Weird. God IS merciful. Now I hear Jet Li is missing in the Maldives. Not good. But Chan Soo Sen is saved! Yay! He got off the island in time.
Just thinking that to the media, 5500 people dying on 9/11 is probably a bigger thing that the 10-15 000 dying in Asia one Sunday Morning. This is probably because of the ramnifications of terrorist action as compared to natural disasters. I mean, there is no enemy to strike at, is there? And also because to CNN 30 Bangladeshis or Indians or Thais or Malays washed out to sea are not the equivalent of 1 New Yawker roasting to death in his WTC office. Such is the Americo-centric nature of our mass media today. Such is life...
Just thinking that to the media, 5500 people dying on 9/11 is probably a bigger thing that the 10-15 000 dying in Asia one Sunday Morning. This is probably because of the ramnifications of terrorist action as compared to natural disasters. I mean, there is no enemy to strike at, is there? And also because to CNN 30 Bangladeshis or Indians or Thais or Malays washed out to sea are not the equivalent of 1 New Yawker roasting to death in his WTC office. Such is the Americo-centric nature of our mass media today. Such is life...
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Wow, the biggest earthquake in 40 years just hit Asia. It totally destroyed coastal regions of Aceh, Phuket, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, India, etc. Thank God because my family and I were just at Patong Beach in Phuket less than 2 weeks ago and now its been destroyed. Thanks Father God! Also, Singapore has been spared with nary a scratch. God is indeed merciful. Can you imagine sleeping one minute and drowning under a tidal wave or tsunami the next. Singapore is indeed blessed. What an eventful Boxing Day and how fragile is life... God protects and our lives are in His hands man.
Also Leon, Duane and Ho Ping dua-ed me today, asking me to go for a movie then cancelling on me when I reached the theater. Bums. Thank God Chin and co. appeared just on time to accompany me. Haha!
Also Leon, Duane and Ho Ping dua-ed me today, asking me to go for a movie then cancelling on me when I reached the theater. Bums. Thank God Chin and co. appeared just on time to accompany me. Haha!
Saturday, December 25, 2004
"So this is Christmas..."
John Lennon's Happy Christmas (War Is Over)
A very quiet Christmas. Spent the time with the "smug couples" and later left time to their Orchard soujourn alone as I left for home. The first time in a while I spent Christmas midnight alone. I guess its a different experience. Christmas is always about Jesus bringing peace to all men, but will all men accept that peace? Maybe for our Muslim and Jewish brothers, it cannot be. Happy Hanukkah anyway.
John Lennon's Happy Christmas (War Is Over)
A very quiet Christmas. Spent the time with the "smug couples" and later left time to their Orchard soujourn alone as I left for home. The first time in a while I spent Christmas midnight alone. I guess its a different experience. Christmas is always about Jesus bringing peace to all men, but will all men accept that peace? Maybe for our Muslim and Jewish brothers, it cannot be. Happy Hanukkah anyway.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Just wondering in order to deply more people into service in BBTC, we could maybe turn one service into something for young adults from 20-35, where ths songs and messages will turn to stuff that applies to them. This will challenge people to step up to the plate to serve in greater capacities. Messages could be like stuff on living for God in the work place and things like that.
Critics will say this might split the church, I say it opens up avenues for people to be deployed into service of the Lord, esp. now that adult service seems to be geared towards late 30s and 40 somethings. Just a thought from a humble servant. Hope this offends no one
Critics will say this might split the church, I say it opens up avenues for people to be deployed into service of the Lord, esp. now that adult service seems to be geared towards late 30s and 40 somethings. Just a thought from a humble servant. Hope this offends no one
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Just a few thoughts for today. Its coming down to the events for Christmas and things are looking fine and shaping up. There is an unusual anxiety over the people putting these together. I gather that this is because everyone takes the "Mega Event Mentality" (MEM) to every event, putting undue stress on themselves. People say this is a slack attitude, I say keep things in perspective and ramp up when big events come along. I may get flack for this but I really don't bother, because I know what is what and my own opinions count too. Sometimes, to be a revolutionary and to be successful, you need to stand out from the noise of the rest.
As people grow, people change and as our lives differ so do our opinions. Is it reasonable that we are the same person we were at 15 as we are at 25? Not really. People say Alvin doesn't change much, but then again, people do not know Alvin as well.
As people grow, people change and as our lives differ so do our opinions. Is it reasonable that we are the same person we were at 15 as we are at 25? Not really. People say Alvin doesn't change much, but then again, people do not know Alvin as well.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Why do good people breed bad kids? Actually that is a biased statement. Good righteous church people do not intentionally raise ill-mannered, tempermental and troubled kids. I cannot see that it was their intention to sow a brat on this earth. But it appears that many nice people I meet in church raise kids who are rebellious and do not treat their religion seriously. Some of these even belong to the higher ups in the church circle.
Is the human make up wired to rebel instinctively to a more religious environment? Or is the lack of crises the source of this callous attitude? Then would not God send trials and calamities on every straying youth who is thinking of givng up his religion for other distractions? (pool? enhanced learning courses? part time work? cute girls and handsome boys?) But then, there are non-church people whose kids go down this path too. So it is not exclusive a problem at all, but a potentially widespread pandemic.
I believe that its just that the Christian life is not a smooth sure thing. Work out your faith with fear and trembling is so true and devotion is difficult, yet we are commanded to and pleasing God is a sweet thing. We can encourage and pray for and show love and promote inclusion. But we won't cajole, won't be distracted from our goal as a congrgation, won't turn our eyes from what we are supposed to do as a church.
Youth will come and go. Some will stick, some will fall away. But God is there. Its just that whether you can answer to him on the day.
Is the human make up wired to rebel instinctively to a more religious environment? Or is the lack of crises the source of this callous attitude? Then would not God send trials and calamities on every straying youth who is thinking of givng up his religion for other distractions? (pool? enhanced learning courses? part time work? cute girls and handsome boys?) But then, there are non-church people whose kids go down this path too. So it is not exclusive a problem at all, but a potentially widespread pandemic.
I believe that its just that the Christian life is not a smooth sure thing. Work out your faith with fear and trembling is so true and devotion is difficult, yet we are commanded to and pleasing God is a sweet thing. We can encourage and pray for and show love and promote inclusion. But we won't cajole, won't be distracted from our goal as a congrgation, won't turn our eyes from what we are supposed to do as a church.
Youth will come and go. Some will stick, some will fall away. But God is there. Its just that whether you can answer to him on the day.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
There is my punishment. A sincere apology to the person I offended. Entirely understand where you are coming from.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
i will not post unsubstantiated rumours on my blog.
There is my punishment. A sincere apology to the person I offended. Entirely understand where you are coming from.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
As i ponder about why I do what I do I wonder if the advice I give makes a difference to the people receicing it. I 'm sure some of it is utter drivel to some of them but there must be a few gems here and there that people take to heart. I could not have had 24 years of life on this earth for nothing right. I mean, they may not be the most exciting 24 a young singaporean could have but they are not the most experience-less ones either right?
Friday, December 17, 2004
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Did nt update on board cos it cost 33 cents a minute and the connection was none too good. The service and the cruise on board was wonderful and the staff was without parallel. Great number of Chinese nationals and Fillipinos on board who made us feel like kings more than guests, though we were only in cattle class. In Titanic times, we would be danicng Irish jigs in the hold like Leo DiCaprio. But really, this is something that everyone must go just to experience the truly wonderful Superstar Virgo service. Of note is that NONE of the serving staff were Singaporean. Penang and Phuket were meh and nothing to write home about.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
cry me a river
Got my iriver h340 after thinking about it long and hard. wah, its very cool having every single song i own with me at my finger tips! And thats close to 9000 songs. (yes i am a music fiend). cost me a bomb too but who'd knew that you need a phd to operate the thing! aaah, must be designed by saf personnel cos its so stubborn and illogical. at least it does not spew vulgarities! first time i actually needed to read the manual for any gadget i have owned!
anyway, dan loon is in tekong as we speak, hope he learns stuff there and doesnt get affected by it. it ain't worth it.
Heard michelle and caron are sick and esmond is tussling with his cousin. sighz. must pray. well its off to Superstar Virgo and 3 days of sun (?), sea and makan! will update from on board if possible!
anyway, dan loon is in tekong as we speak, hope he learns stuff there and doesnt get affected by it. it ain't worth it.
Heard michelle and caron are sick and esmond is tussling with his cousin. sighz. must pray. well its off to Superstar Virgo and 3 days of sun (?), sea and makan! will update from on board if possible!
Friday, December 10, 2004
got notice of my $$$ today. Not a bad sum, could be more of course, but then Jack Neo did say money no enough. Now its an issue of how much to spend and how much to save. Must save more because stupid insurance is due in March and that is about 1400SGD. Bleah. Must pay carpark too this month, about 200 sgd
the fun never ends does it when it comes to car ownership.
my mum today mentioned that sherman is getting married in march, on the same day as joy. And she mentioned that he is buying a 700k house for his first house. reminded me to save. dunno why this made me feel jealous and mad. i told her that we really have different lots in the life, he a hot shot top gun, and me a lowly educator. She said the main point was getting me to save, which i agreed with. But i think she hit a raw nerve.
money can be such a corrupting force, like the One Ring.
Which reminds me, must go get Return Of The King EE later
the fun never ends does it when it comes to car ownership.
my mum today mentioned that sherman is getting married in march, on the same day as joy. And she mentioned that he is buying a 700k house for his first house. reminded me to save. dunno why this made me feel jealous and mad. i told her that we really have different lots in the life, he a hot shot top gun, and me a lowly educator. She said the main point was getting me to save, which i agreed with. But i think she hit a raw nerve.
money can be such a corrupting force, like the One Ring.
Which reminds me, must go get Return Of The King EE later
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
the story of the hibernating bear
One wonders how much water there can be in the sky. Its been raining the whole day. So conducive for sleeping, which is what I have been doing. Sleeping, on the Net, praying, reading, playing PS2, and waiting for my very first bonus to arrive. Ah, thats the life....
Back to hibernating
Back to hibernating
Sunday, December 05, 2004
an awful cliche but a heartfelt rant
Just thought I'd pen a few thoughts down on why I feel so strongly about helping DB and DLB out. I think it was when I was 18 and had finished my As and going to army when I realised that knowing the immense nature of history, my name is probably not going to last many years on this earth. I asked myself how I was going to be remembered by people after I was gone to be with God and my answer was that if I actually poured my life out into others, maybe I would be remembered for a few years longer. People like Benjamin Chew and TC Koh are still remembered today because they left an indelible mark on others and I wanted to be like them. This may sound selfish but I guess God has changed this train of thought into something more selfless, to becoming more like Him instead, because He was the ultimate giver on earth.
Maybe years from now, people like Leon, Esmond, Chevy, Gabriel may not even remember who I am but if I can just reach and help be the conduit for change in that one person, just maybe it could be all worthwhile. Maybe thats why I teach (besides getting the scholarship of course)
So, how will YOU be remembered?
Maybe years from now, people like Leon, Esmond, Chevy, Gabriel may not even remember who I am but if I can just reach and help be the conduit for change in that one person, just maybe it could be all worthwhile. Maybe thats why I teach (besides getting the scholarship of course)
So, how will YOU be remembered?

woke up late (at 6:25am) to send the guys off at the airport. Still managed to send Leslie, Al, Lijia and Andre there and it was a bit rushed and all. But still managed to say our goodbyes and I am sure they will have a good learning experience there in East Asia. But for the life of me, we cannot see Darryl crapping in a dingy hole. Will ask him about that when he returns. Its in God's hands now really.
"He's got the whole world in His hands
I fear no evil
For You are with me
Strong to discover
Mighty to save"
- Tim Hughes "Whole World In His Hands" (2004)

Friday, December 03, 2004
my interesting friday
Nice lunch with the elusive Allister today. He's a great chap. Quiet and elusive, but nice when he talks. He will make a great leader for DB.
Helped Jessica collect books from Hiap Huat House today. Good to be of service to church lah, although it does not seem like service, more like taxi service!Hahahhaa, corny stuff
WnI is getting better. I guess we are starting to please God as a church more hence He shows up. Its just an awesome thing when He does. The YEP people showed up and it is good to have ZX, Darryl, Duane and Esmond beside me praying together, along with the juniors, the gals and all. Prayer unites us and lets God's power be manifested. God also reminded me not to worry for the guys when they are there, cos He is protecting them. Peace in my heart instead then!
What a great God!
Helped Jessica collect books from Hiap Huat House today. Good to be of service to church lah, although it does not seem like service, more like taxi service!Hahahhaa, corny stuff
WnI is getting better. I guess we are starting to please God as a church more hence He shows up. Its just an awesome thing when He does. The YEP people showed up and it is good to have ZX, Darryl, Duane and Esmond beside me praying together, along with the juniors, the gals and all. Prayer unites us and lets God's power be manifested. God also reminded me not to worry for the guys when they are there, cos He is protecting them. Peace in my heart instead then!
What a great God!
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
singapore idol thoughts
Like a hundred other young Singaporeans, I shall be blogging my thoughts on Singapore Idol tonight. So the right person won. With Taufiq winning, we shall not be embarassed on World Idol (if it happens) and he will probably end up singing community songs at NDP05. Sly will end up in the Chinese market where he belongs and probably make it big there. Ken Lim is guaranteed millions already.
I refused to watched the whole show because Race was on on AXN. From the snippets I heard, Sly flopped his Bon Jovi song badly and the song "I Dream" appears to be the most insipid piece of crap every written. Just because you have words like "believe in yourself" and a choir in the background does not necessarily make it an inspirational song. Maybe I am cynical, but hey, suckers will buy it and it will be played ad nauseaum on radio in the weeks to come.
Idol is all about making $$ for Singtel and Hype Records and I am sure Ken has the bling bling in his eyes already. The judges' comments were unbearably fawning and they were obviously not out to offend, even after Sly's disastrous Its My Life, which was not half as disastrous as Doug O's green suede ensemble suit. That man is an emabarssment to the local entertainment scene and is our local Ozzy Osbourne, bloated, jaded and over the hill. Get lost Dougie, just go.
Will the results of this competition change the world? No. Is it as big as the second coming of Christ? No. Did the gals wearing wedding veils in the front row and brandishing "Marry Me Taufiq" signs freak me out? Yes.
In all, a rather successful contest. Its all about consumerism in the end, really, not about talent. Somewhere in a dark and freezing London office, Messrs Cowell and Fuller are laughing their way to the bank again as another country's Idol franchise rolls in the dough for them. Ah well, more money for tight fitting T shirts for AI4 then. See you next month, Simon and then, let the charade begin again. Hurrah!
I refused to watched the whole show because Race was on on AXN. From the snippets I heard, Sly flopped his Bon Jovi song badly and the song "I Dream" appears to be the most insipid piece of crap every written. Just because you have words like "believe in yourself" and a choir in the background does not necessarily make it an inspirational song. Maybe I am cynical, but hey, suckers will buy it and it will be played ad nauseaum on radio in the weeks to come.
Idol is all about making $$ for Singtel and Hype Records and I am sure Ken has the bling bling in his eyes already. The judges' comments were unbearably fawning and they were obviously not out to offend, even after Sly's disastrous Its My Life, which was not half as disastrous as Doug O's green suede ensemble suit. That man is an emabarssment to the local entertainment scene and is our local Ozzy Osbourne, bloated, jaded and over the hill. Get lost Dougie, just go.
Will the results of this competition change the world? No. Is it as big as the second coming of Christ? No. Did the gals wearing wedding veils in the front row and brandishing "Marry Me Taufiq" signs freak me out? Yes.
In all, a rather successful contest. Its all about consumerism in the end, really, not about talent. Somewhere in a dark and freezing London office, Messrs Cowell and Fuller are laughing their way to the bank again as another country's Idol franchise rolls in the dough for them. Ah well, more money for tight fitting T shirts for AI4 then. See you next month, Simon and then, let the charade begin again. Hurrah!
m group makan
I am very proud of my cell, for those who are wondering, and yeah, I don't just take pics of guys thanks.... Hey this is the best CG I know, so yeah, show off a bit, yeah, is no big deal. No, nothing Michael Jackson about this if anyone is thinking in that direction....
Came back from M group makan with DF and company. It was rather fun, eating at Long Beach and shooting the wind with these mature people. Its good to be the youngest for a change in a group. Haha... Hopefully I can be an active part of this group through 2005 and learn something that I can share to those under me.
Came back from M group makan with DF and company. It was rather fun, eating at Long Beach and shooting the wind with these mature people. Its good to be the youngest for a change in a group. Haha... Hopefully I can be an active part of this group through 2005 and learn something that I can share to those under me.
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