The best Hillsong United album yet. In fact, the youth wing of the Hillsong church has been producing the best album from that Antipodian worship factory for the past 2 years. They best the more main stream August release by having a more relevant, punchier and edgier presentation and style, while Darlene and co. seem contented to stay with the tried and true (which is what their older audience demands). Both albums are just as worshipful but the United releases really are the better for the above mentioned reasons.
Look To You opens with the triple punch of Salvation Is Here, Tell The World (love the bassline on these tracks) and the title track. It then segues into the beautiful All I Need Is You, that is worshipful and passionate. Other tracks like There Is Nothing Like and the chant-like Shout Unto God capture the worshipful spirit of this youth movement very well. Closing with Rich Mullins' Awesome God was a master touch , making the best closure for any Hillsong live project in a while.