Festival Of Praise was very good for me this year. People who know me know that I am a person who just likes things to be done differently after a while. I am not someone who can do the same thing, e.g. sing the same song over and over and I always look for something new. That brings with it all the positives and down sides as you can imagine. So Martin Smith and Delirious? coming for FOP was a refreshing wind (as per the theme) for me. Granted, their style of worship isn't for everyone and at times, they lost 80 percent of the audience on songs like Rain Down (which I lost my voice on).
However, I don't think I worshipped as deeply as I did last night for a long while. I don't know whether it is the blatant smugness that I know something others don't, but it's just the way that I was made I guess. Nice to see Hillarious do songs from Passion as well, with How Great Is Our God, Agnus Dei and Dance In The River (Tomlinesque) being done. Chris Tomlin next year, Pastor Kong, please?
Colin Dye and his crisp Londoner accent brought a good message about Exodus 33 and the hours just flew by. Martin Smith's voice was really excellent... Aiyo, I shall stop being a fanboy. Anyway, I thought I saw Sun on stage singing back-up but then I realised it was her clone. Creepily, that was one of many Sun clones. Haha! Its the Island fo real! Aaron also noted that when P Kong claps, his CHC choir claps and they follow him real close... Ahaha. Such an influential Rafflesian! I know CHC is not for me at this point. I kinda love Kong, Sun and their ministry et al. , but in this case, there is no spiritual connection and I could not conceive myself following a man that closely unless he was my personal mentor. Oh well, thats why God made different churches for different people I guess