Sunday, August 13, 2006

Interesting weekend

What a weekend! Started off well with a nice bout of library duty in school on Friday. Nice and peaceful and I managed to get some marking done. Some teachers are hardcore and I found myself in good company in the staff room despite it being close to 9PM!!

Anyway, the librarians, Yu Yue included, were wrapping the monitors, screens, photocopiers , etc with newspaper in view of fogging the next day. I shall invite them to wrap my Christmas presents this year. Seeing that they did such a good job with all that wrapping!

Amazing sermon in church on Sat. Thank God for his enabling for a good sermon, backed up by Janine’s God-sent (literally) testimonies. That sister has a wonderful ability that I which I had! for more of that, those who are interested to find out what that is. I must learn to give the glory to God. Sometimes, the putrid ego comes through. Well, no one said that Christ-likeness came in an instant

Got some work done on Sunday before going out with DARE. It was quite funny that we used to squeeze into my Mitsu and now the guys all drive their own cars (almost all). We had 3 cars for 6 people today! May we learn to car pool more often and save the earth!